Gurobi Optimization Gurobi v1.1.1

Release: Gurobi Optimization Gurobi v1.1.1

- Datum: 26.07.2009
The Gurobi optimization engines represent the next generation in high-performance optimization software. It includes state-of-the-art simplex-based linear programming (LP) and mixed-integer programming (MIP) capabilities.
The Gurobi MIP solver includes shared memory parallelism, capable of simultaneously exploiting any number of processors and cores per processor. The implementation is deterministic: two separate runs on the same model will produce identical solution paths. Gurobi currently supports the following computing platforms: 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows (XP, Vista, and Server 2008, and the Visual Studio 2008 compiler) and Linux (Ubuntu 8 and Red Hat 5). Support for other platforms will be added over time, depending on customer demand.
The Gurobi optimization engines are written in C and are accessible from several languages. In addition to a powerful, interactive Python interface and a matrix-oriented C interface, we provide object-oriented interfaces from C++, Java, and Python. These interfaces have all been designed to be light weight and easy to use, with the goal of greatly enhancing the accessibility of our products. And since the interfaces are light weight, they are faster and use less memory than other standard interfaces. Our online documentation (Quick Start Guide and Reference Manual) describes the use of these interfaces. The .NET interface to Gurobi is provided by Microsoft Solver Foundation (MSF). Gurobi is the default MIP solver in MSF.
Gurobi is also available through several powerful third-party modeling systems including AIMMS, AMPL, FRONTLINE SOLVERS, GAMS, MPL, OptimJ, and TOMLAB.
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