ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 Enterprise for Windows

Release: ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 Enterprise for Windows

- Datum: 09.09.2009
ArcGIS Server provides a convenient platform for building enterprise GIS. Under the corporate GIS means an application with the central administration, operating with a single base map data with advanced GIS functionality and simultaneously support a large number of users.
Year: 2009
Version: 9.3.1
Developer: ESRI
Platform: Windows
Compatibility with Vista: complete
System requirements:
Windows 2000 SP4 Server, Advanced Server & Datacenter
Windows 2003 SP2 (32-bit) Server Standard, Enterprise & Datacenter
Windows 2003 SP2 (64-bit (EM64T)) Server Standard, Enterprise & Datacenter
Windows 2008 (32-bit) Server Standard, Enterprise & Datacenter
Windows 2008 (64-bit (EM64T)) Server Standard, Enterprise & Datacenter
Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit) Ultimate, Enterprise, Business
Windows XP SP2, SP3 (32-bit) Professional Edition
Language: English only
In contrast to the ready-to-work «box products» for the end user, such as ArcView and other desktop products ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, primarily intended for software developers. It can be used to create Web applications, Web services and other enterprise applications that are running the standard. NET and J2EE Web servers. In addition, ArcGIS Server is useful in the development of desktop applications that will work with ArcGIS Server in a client-server mode. It enables centralized management of geographic resources, such as maps, geocoding services, and applications involved in the program objects.
New in ArcGIS Server 9.3.1
High-speed dynamic publishing maps - a new, faster display mechanism:
Productivity, exceeding similar services ArcIMS;
Significantly improved cartography;
Reduced the caching time cards;
More rapid and smooth zooming and moving.
Optimized mapping services fully support the functionality available to developers through SOAP and REST
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