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Krayzie Bone - Gemini: Good Vs Evil

Release: Krayzie Bone - Gemini: Good Vs Evil

Krayzie Bone - Gemini: Good Vs Evil

01. Getchu Twisted
02. That's That Bone
03. Put It On Ya'll
04. Interview
05. Nuthin But Music
06. All I'm Hearing
07. Lets Live
08. Chaos Interlude
09. Don't Know Why
10. Mangled
11. Lock Down Love
12. Interlude
13. I Remember
14. Hi Di Ho
16. Murda Music
17. Getchu Twisted (Feat. Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony)


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Release Date: 08.02.'05
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop/R&B/Gangsta
Quality: 192 kbps CBR / Full-Stereo
Release Notes:
Krayzie Bone returns to his roots with the dark,
but melodic sound that garnered him the success he's
had with Bone Thugs-N-Harmony.

More about Bone-Thugs-N-Harmony & Krayzie Bone:


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