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Eels - Blinking Light And Other Revelations (Promo)

Release: Eels - Blinking Light And Other Revelations (Promo)

Eels - Blinking Light And Other Revelations (Promo)


CD 1:

01. EELS - [ #01] Theme from blinking Lights [1:44]
02. EELS - [ #02] From which I Came A Magic Worl [3:14]
03. EELS - [ #03] Son of a Bitch [2:27]
04. EELS - [ #04] Blinking Lights (for me) [2:01]
05. EELS - [ #05] Trouble with Dreams [4:33]
06. EELS - [ #06] Marie floating over the Backya [2:03]
07. EELS - [ #07] Suicide Life [2:41]
08. EELS - [ #08] In the yard, behind the Chruch [4:05]
09. EELS - [ #09] Railroad Man [4:17]
10. EELS - [ #10] The other Shoe [2:32]
11. EELS - [ #11] Last time we Spoke [2:22]
12. EELS - [ #12] Mother Mary [3:22]
13. EELS - [ #13] Going Fetal [2:21]
14. EELS - [ #14] Understanding Salesmen [2:43]
15. EELS - [ #15] Theme for a pretty Girl that M [2:06]
16. EELS - [ #16] Checkout Blues [2:27]
17. EELS - [ #17] Blinking Lights (for you) [2:00]

CD 2

01. EELS - [ #01] Dust of Ages [2:21]
02. EELS - [ #02] Old Shit - New Shit [3:17]
03. EELS - [ #03] Bride of Theme from blinking Lights [1:52]
04. EELS - [ #04] Hey Man [3:03]
05. EELS - [ #05] I´m Going to Stop Pretending that I didn´t break your Heart [3:56]
06. EELS - [ #06] To lick your Boots [3:30]
07. EELS - [ #07] If you see Natalie [3:41]
08. EELS - [ #08] Sweet Li´l Thing [3:27]
09. EELS - [ #09] Dusk a Peach in the Orchard [1:17]
10. EELS - [ #10] Whatever happened to soy Bomb [2:26]
11. EELS - [ #11] Ugly Love [2:58]
12. EELS - [ #12] God's Silence [1:26]
13. EELS - [ #13] Losing Streak [2:52]
14. EELS - [ #14] Last Days of my bitter Heart [1:35]
15. EELS - [ #15] The Stars shine in the Sky ton [3:31]
16. EELS - [ #16] Things the Grandchildren Shoul [5:22]


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VÖ: 25.04.2005


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