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Fear My Thoughts - Hell Sweet Hell (Advance)

Release: Fear My Thoughts - Hell Sweet Hell (Advance)

Fear My Thoughts - Hell Sweet Hell (Advance)

01 - Intro 00:57
02 - Windows For The Dead 04:47
03 - In The Hourglass 04:28
04 - My Delight 04:40
05 - Sweetest Hell 03:49
06 - Dying Eyes 03:33
07 - Sadist Hour 04:14
08 - The Masters Call 04:15
09 - Ghosts Of Time 04:11
10 - Satisfaction Guaranteed 04:23
11 - The Fighting 03:54
12 - Trying To Feel... 06:26

49:37 min


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ARTIST.....: Fear My Thoughts
TITLE......: Hell Sweet Hell
LABEL......: Lifeforce Records

RIP DATE...: Jun-10-2005
STORE DATE.: Jul-26-2005
GENRE......: Hardcore
QUALITY....: VBR / 44,1Hz / Joint-Stereo
SIZE.......: 90,4 MB


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