Killing Joke - Hosannas Form The Basement Of Hell (Promo)
Release: Killing Joke - Hosannas Form The Basement Of Hell (Promo)

- Datum: 02.01.2006
°Û± 01³ This tribal antidote ³ 04:15 ±Û°
°Û± 02³ Hosannas from the basement of hell ³ 05:53 ±Û°
°Û± 03³ Invocation ³ 07:55 ±Û°
°Û± 04³ Implosion ³ 06:41 ±Û°
°Û± 05³ Majestic ³ 05:41 ±Û°
°Û± 06³ Walking with gods ³ 08:37 ±Û°
°Û± 07³ Lightbringer ³ 09:39 ±Û°
°Û± 08³ Judas goat ³ 06:21 ±Û°
°Û± 09³ Gratitude ³ 07:04 ±Û°
°Û± ³ ³ _____ ±Û°
°Û² ³ TOTAL PLAYTiME (MiN):³ 62:06 ²Û°
- Genre: Alternative
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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°Û± tracks full of good old Killing Joke power ! ±Û