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Four Star Mary - Thrown to the Wolves

Release: Four Star Mary - Thrown to the Wolves

Four Star Mary - Thrown to the Wolves

01 Dilate
02 Thrown To The Wolves
03 Pain
04 Never Mind
05 Say It
06 Dark Sky
07 She Knows
08 Shadows
09 Violent
10 Run
11 Liar
12 Fate


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12 Track UK Version

Like the Foo Fighters and Catherine Wheel, the music of Four Star Mary proves that "alternative" really does stand for something. In the case of FSM, it stands for two grinding guitars, a driving beat and a pocketful of sometimes soul-wrenching lyrics... sung with the desire to touch an audience rather than parade in front of it.

After slogging through the Hollywood club scene for over 2 years, FSM has developed the kind of loyal and growing fan base that proves there will always be room for another great band. In addition, the steady growth of FSM among the mulitude of bands which comprise the L.A. music scene has led to use of their music on televison shows such as "Party of Five", MTV's "The Real World" and most notably "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" where their songs have been widely used.


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