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Splendid - States Of Awake EP

Release: Splendid - States Of Awake EP

Splendid - States Of Awake EP

1. Asleep
2. Disappointed
3. Tomorrow We'll Wake
4. Sleeping
5. You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You're Drunk
6. Disappointed [Machine Translations Mix]


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Aussie exclusive! The first release by Splendid in nearly 4 years. The band of course feature Angie Hart (ex-Frente!) & her husband Jessie Tobias (American guitar slinger & producer of some note). This 6 track EP features the Triple J hit ‘Asleep’ (co-written by Ben Lee), as well as a track penned by Frente’s Simon Austin & a Machine Translations remix. Tracks, 'Asleep', 'Disappointed', 'Sleeping', 'Tomorrow We’ll Wake', 'You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You’re Drunk', & 'Disappointed' (Machine Translations Mix). Aussie exclusive! Popboomerang. 2004.


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