Johnny Cash - The Johnny Cash Children's Album
Release: Johnny Cash - The Johnny Cash Children's Album
- Datum: 28.05.2006
Û Þ 01 ú Nasty Dan ú 02:08
Û Þ 02 ú One and One Makes Two ú 02:24
Û Þ 03 ú I Got A Boy and His Name is J ú 02:55
Û Þ 04 ú Little Magic Glasses ú 02:22
Û Þ 05 ú Miss Tara ú 02:08
Û Þ 06 ú Dinosaur Song ú 01:29
Û Þ 07 ú Tiger Whitehead ú 03:14
Û Þ 08 ú There's A Bear in the Woods ú 02:23
Û Þ 09 ú Call of the Wild ú 02:55
Û Þ 10 ú Little Green Fountain ú 01:51
Û Þ 11 ú Old Shep ú 02:25
Û Þ 12 ú (The) Timber Man ú 02:49
Û Þ 13 ú Grandfather's Clock ú 03:41
Û Þ 14 ú Ah Bos Cee Dah ú 02:36
Û Þ 15 ú Why is A Fire Engine Red ú 01:21
- Genre: Country
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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ÝÞ Þ² úTITLEú The Johnny Cash Children's Album
Þ° Û úGENREú Country
Ý ÞÝ úSiZEú 42,4 MBB
ÞÛ² ÞÛ úRIP.DATEú May-26-2006
ÛÛ Þ úBITRATEú VBRkbps 44,1kHz Joint-Stereo