Everclear - Welcome To The Drama Club (Advance)
Release: Everclear - Welcome To The Drama Club (Advance)

- Datum: 17.07.2006
Û 01 05:12 under the western stars Û
Û 02 03:29 now Û
Û 03 03:51 shine Û
Û 04 04:13 hater Û
Û 05 03:50 the drama king Û
Û 06 03:43 glorious Û
Û 07 04:02 a taste of hell Û
Û 08 05:32 portland rain Û
Û 09 03:33 a shameless use of charm Û
Û 10 03:32 clean Û
Û 11 04:20 broken Û
Û 12 09:27 your arizona room Û
Û Total size : 94,1 MB Total Time : 54:44 min Û
- Genre: Alternative
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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ÛÛ²ÛÝ ÜÛß Title..: welcome to the drama club ßÛÜ ÞÛÛ²²
ÛÛ² ßÛÜÜ Label..: eleven seven music ÜÜÛß ÛÛ²
ÜÛ²²ß ßßÛÜ Genre..: AlternRock ÜÛßß ßÛÛÛÜ
ÜÛßßÜ ÜÛß ²Ý Þ² ßÛÜ ÜßßÛÜ
ßÛÛ²ÜÞ² ÜÛß Rip Date..: Jul-15-2006 ßÛÜ ²ÝÜÛÛ²ß
° ßÛÛÛ²ÛÜÜ Street Date..: Sep-12-2006 ÜÜÛÛÛÛ²ß °
° ° ßÛÛ² Year..: 2006 ÛÛ²ß ° °
° ° ßÛÛ² ÛÛ²ß ° °
± ° ° ÛÛ²Ü ÜÛÛ² ° ° ±
± ° ° ÞÛÛ² Encoder..: lame ÛÛ²Ý ° ° ±
°²° ± ÞÛÛ²Ý Quality..: VBRkbps/44.1kHz ÞÛÛ²Ý ± °²°
°±° °±°ÛÛÛ² Mode..: Joint-Stereo ÛÛÛ²°±° °±°
±²± °±ÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛ²±° ±²±
±²±°°ÛÛ²ßß ßÛÛ²°°±²±
°±²±ÜÛ²ß URL: www.everclearonline.com/ ß۲ܱ²±°
Û one of the most dominant bands of the 90's is back. Û
Û fueled by the powerful songwriting of art alexakis, Û
Û "hater" is a return to the sound that scored Û
Û everclear a significant number of alternative rock Û
Û and mtv hits (many of which crossed to other formats) Û
Û including main stays like "santa monica", "father of Û
Û mine", "everything to everyone", "i will buy you a Û
Û new life" and "wonderful". Û
ÞÛ²²Ûß ²Ý Þ² ßÛÛ²²Ý
ÛÛ²ÛÝ ÜÛß Buy a t-shirt if you don't buy the CD ßÛÜ ÞÛÛ²²