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Sao Paris - Movimento

Release: Sao Paris - Movimento

Sao Paris - Movimento

01. Movimento 4:49
02. Momento One 1:12
03. Butterfly 2:41
04. Samba Do Injustica 4:00
05. Coma Arte 4:14
06. Ocaflat 3:30
07. Ria 5:14
08. Woman Rainbow 4:06
09. Notebook Of Dreams 2:55
10. Momento Two 1:01
11. Ange Dj 3:20
12. Rue De Rivoli 3:25


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Debut album from the (you guessed it player!) Franco-Brazilian duo of Leticia Maura and Thomas Ferriere, under their joint moniker of Sao Paris. Housed in a fancy digipack that includes a better-than-normal booklet, 'Movimento' is a refracted prism of Gaelic vocals, textured electronica and well placed samples which casts pleasing aural rainbow on your wall. Citing Tarwater as an influence, Sao Paris are broadly comparable to Lippok and Jestram in that they take relatively clinical beats as a framework then drape them with a velveteen shawl of warm instrumentation and folk-inflected vocals. At times sounding very close to Mum and even Björk ('Butterfly'), Sao Paris also share some DNA with the likes of Styrofoam in their indie-informed compositions of 'Ange Di'. Just as happy to fuse abstract/foundsound collages and jazz ('Rue de Rivolia') as they are to dabble in sparse micro-sound ('Rio'), Sao Paris have a commendably broad remit which they manipulate with relaxed ease. Musically verbose - Lovely.



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