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Tabu - Jednoslowo

Release: Tabu - Jednoslowo

Tabu - Jednoslowo

1. Daptro
2. I Tell You
3. Wojownik
4. Dziêkuje Ci Jah
5. Love Fill My Soul
6. S³oneczne [puœæ mnie w radiu proszê]
7. Sarny
8. Uciekam
9. Everybody Knows
10. Tyle Mam [feat. Grizzlee]
11. Jednos³owo


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Here it is. The first album of Tabu. This band was founded in 2003. Since 2003 they've played many concerts and won many prizes. This album was released by Positive Music Promotion with help of Zima Records as a reward for winning of the Ostróda Reggae Festiwal 2005.


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