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Jamelia - Walk With Me

Release: Jamelia - Walk With Me

Jamelia - Walk With Me

01. Something About You 3:25
02. Do Me Right 3:39
03. Window Shopping 3:38
04. Know My Name 3:28
05. No More 2:54
06. Ain't A Love 3:46
07. La La Love 3:38
08. Go 3:26
09. Get Up, Get Out 3:18
10. Beware Of The Dog 3:11
11. Got It So Good 3:36
12. Hustle 3:32


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ARTIST: Jamelia
TITLE: Walk With Me
LABEL: Parlophone
BITRATE: 210kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 0h 41min total
RELEASE DATE: 2006-09-25
RIP DATE: 2006-09-21

'Walk With Me' is the third album from UK R&B star Jamelia.
Jamelia is quoted as saying that the album is more
"experimental" than her other material and that she was
slightly moving away from the R&B sound that she is known
for. Tracks include the first single 'Something About You',
'Beware Of The Dog', which features a sample of Depeche
Mode's 'Personal Jesus', 'No More', which is based around a
sample of The Stranglers single from 1982, 'Golden Brown'
and 'Do Me Right', which is a collaboration with hip-hop
pioneer artist Afrika Bambaataa.


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