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The Ten Tenors - Here's to the Heroes

Release: The Ten Tenors - Here's to the Heroes

The Ten Tenors - Here's to the Heroes

01. Just to See Each Other Again 04:27
02. Here's to the Heroes 03:38
03. Buongiorno Principessa 03:39
04. There'll Come A Day 03:39
05. We Have All the Time in the World 04:01
06. Places 03:56
07. Les Choristes 03:27
08. You Only Live Twice 03:24
09. Tick All the Day Off One by One 04:25
10. Somewhere in Time 04:01
11. Who Wants to Live Forever 04:14
12. Il Gladiatore 07:01
13. Here's to the Heroes (Instrumental) 03:39
14. Is Nothing Sacred Anymore 04:39

TRACKS: 14 TOTAL TiME: 58:10


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ARTiST : The Ten Tenors
TiTLE : Here's to the Heroes
GENRE : Classical
LABEL : Warner Music
RELEASE : Oct-08-2006
STOREDATE : Sep-29-2006
ENCODER : Lame 3.90.3
QUALiTY : VBRkbps / 44,1Hz / Joint-Stereo
SiZE : 81,7 MB
TYPE : Album / CDDA
COVER : n/a


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