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Bonnie Raitt - Give It Up

Release: Bonnie Raitt - Give It Up

Bonnie Raitt - Give It Up

01. "Give It Up or Let Me Go" (Raitt) – 4:30
02. "Nothing Seems to Matter" (Raitt) – 4:05
03. "I Know" (George) – 3:47
04. "If You Gotta Make a Fool of Somebody" (Clarke) – 3:00
05. "Love Me Like a Man" (Smither) – 3:12
06. "Too Long at the Fair" (Zoss) – 2:58
07. "Under the Falling Sky" (Browne) – 3:45
08. "You Got to Know How" (Viertel, Wallace) – 3:36
09. "You Told Me Baby" (Raitt) – 4:12
10. "Love Has No Pride" (Kaz, Titus) – 3:47


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