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The Traveling Wilburys - Collection

Release: The Traveling Wilburys - Collection

The Traveling Wilburys - Collection

1. Handle With Care 3:19
2. Dirty World 3:29
3. Rattled 2:59
4. Last Night 3:51
5. Not Alone Any More 3:24
6. Congratulations 3:29
7. Heading For The Light 3:36
8. Margarita 3:16
9. Tweeter And The Monkey Man 5:27
10.End Of The Line 3:29
11.Maxine (Previously Unissued) (Bonus Track) 2:49
12.Like A Ship (Previously Unissued) (Bonus 3:30

Disc 2/2
1. She's My Baby 3:15
2. Inside Out 3:35
3. If You Belonged To Me 3:13
4. The Devil's Been Busy 3:18
5. 7 Deadly Sins 3:17
6. Poor House 3:16
7. Where Were You Last Night? 3:03
8. Cool Dry Place 3:37
9. New Blue Moon 3:20
10.You Took My Breath Away 3:18
11.Wilbury Twist 2:58
12.Nobody's Child (Bonus Track) 3:28
13.Runaway (Bonus Track) 2:31


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Artist : The Traveling Wilburys
Album : Collection
Label : Rhino/Warner
Genre : Rock
Bitrate : 224 kbps avg
Source : CD (LP)
Playtime : 01:24:47 (142.MB)
Rls date : 2007-06-02
Store date : 2007-06-12


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