Reanimator - Thrashing The Neighborhood (EP)
Release: Reanimator - Thrashing The Neighborhood (EP)
- Datum: 19.07.2007
1 - Raising The Dead
2 - Venom Of The Beast
3 - Roadkill
4 - Breathless Birth
5 - Black Bones
6 - DC Pino
7 - Stuck On The Shores Of Hell (Bonus Track)
- Genre: Metal
- Qualität: 224 kbit/s
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HinweiseGenre : Trash Metal
Country : Canada
Year : 2007
Canada's premier metal label, Galy Records continues to tap into its country's wealth of talent. Their recent signing, REANIMATOR consists of a group of young vigorous thrashers who are not a bit afraid of showing their love for old school thrash and classic metal. Their debut album on Galy "Thrashin' the Neighborhood" will kick you in the teeth and leave you wanting more. Considering the recent success of throwback bands like DRAGONFORCE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, and 3 INCHES OF BLOOD, REANIMATOR is a group sure to go a long ways!
Country : Canada
Year : 2007
Canada's premier metal label, Galy Records continues to tap into its country's wealth of talent. Their recent signing, REANIMATOR consists of a group of young vigorous thrashers who are not a bit afraid of showing their love for old school thrash and classic metal. Their debut album on Galy "Thrashin' the Neighborhood" will kick you in the teeth and leave you wanting more. Considering the recent success of throwback bands like DRAGONFORCE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, and 3 INCHES OF BLOOD, REANIMATOR is a group sure to go a long ways!