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Kamelot - Myths & Legends Of Kamelot

Release: Kamelot - Myths & Legends Of Kamelot

Kamelot - Myths & Legends Of Kamelot

01. Future Kings (Japanese album Karma bonus track 2001) (4:28)
02. Like The Shadows (Japanese album Epica bonus track 2003) (3:48)
03. Ne Pleure Pas (US album Karma bonus track 2001) (4:17)
04. Soul Society (Radio Edit Version Japanese album The Black Halo bonus track 2005) (3:53)
05. Epilogue (Japanese album The Black Halo bonus track 2005) (2:49)
06. We Are Not Separate (Rare track 2000) (3:31)
07. We Three Kings (Rare track 2000) (4:41)
08. One Day (Japanese album Siege Perilous bonus track 1998) (4:13)
09. The Haunting (Somewhere In Time) (Radio Edit Version album The Black Halo Ltd edition bonus track 2005) (3:42)
10. March Of Mephisto (Radio Edit Version album The Black Halo Ltd edition bonus track 2005) (3:33)
11. Can You Remember (Japanese album the Fourth Legacy bonus track 2000) (4:26)
12. Snow (Album Epica Ltd edition bonus track 2003) (4:25)
13. Season's End (Japanese album Ghost Opera bonus track 2007) (3:35)
14. The Pendulous Fall (Album Ghost Opera Ltd edition bonus track 2007) (4:03)
15. Epilogue - Live (Japanese album Cold Winter's Nights bonus track 2006) (2:40)


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Genre : Progressive / Symphonic Metal
Country : USA
Year : 2007

KAMELOT debuted in 1994 with "Eternity" featuring Mark Vanderbilt on vocals, Thomas Youngblood on guitars, Glenn Barry on bass, Richard Warner on the drums and David Pavlicko on the keys, but later, after one record, Richard and Mark would leave giving a chance to Casey Grillo and Roy Kahn (Ex-CONCEPTION vocalist) to be part of the band during their third album "Siege Perilous". Their sound completley changed, they became an above-average melodic metal band, some compared them with SONATA ARCTICA or HAMMERFALL, but clearly KAMELOT was above this genre, adjusting progressive arrangements to the all ready famous melodic metal sound.

With the line-up change, KAMELOT released their best known material; albums like "The Fourth Legacy" that fused Middle-Eastern sounds with power metal speed and "Karma" where they demonstrate that talent and energy their fans worldwide acclaimed, strong, heavy, mellow, deep and thoughtfull music were highly praised by the press, getting very good reviews and giving KAMELOT the status of heavy weight. Later in 2003, they released "Epica" a conceptual piece based loosely in Goethe's Faust, "Epica" showed a peak on KAMELOT's career, melodic choirs and orchestration makes company to their trademark sound to create a whole world of fantasy and amusement, only to be shadowed by the following release "The black halo" in 2005, their best work yet.

KAMELOT has evolved in the past years, becoming a more serious band, not afraid to exploit their talent, I wouldn't be surprised if they turn to a more progressive edge as the years pass by, this is a great band that never stop amazing fans all over the world.

"Myths & Legends Of Kamelot" is a compilation album containing bonus tracks from US and Japanese releases and 2 rare tracks.


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