Witchfinder General - Resurrected
Release: Witchfinder General - Resurrected

- Datum: 16.09.2008
1. The Living Hell
2. The Gift of Life
3. Final Justice
4. Bryn-Y-Mor
5. Brutal Existence
6. Euthanasia
7. A Night to Remember
8. The Funeral / Beyond the Grave
- Genre: Metal
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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HinweiseGenre : Heavy Metal / Doom Metal
Country : UK
Year : 2008
References to resurrection are not new to metal. Whether regarding the band’s reunion or the tune’s unearthing, the concept of new life, post-death seems almost natural when revisiting the past. Well Resurrected is indeed an appropriate name for the new Witchfinder General album. After two and a half decades of deathly stillness for the band (not counting the artifacts brought forth by musical archaeologists and thieves, no surprise there, the tombs of the legendary dead are often plundered) here they are once more very much animated and active. A slew of historical documents, not to mention horror novels and movies, have warned against the possible consequences of resurrecting the dead and countless band re-unions and tepid filler dominated “finds” have testified to the horror show that can result in real life.
So where does this leave Witchfinder General’s Resurrected? As a musical example, absolute proof that reunions can not only be worthwhile and bring no dishonor upon past accomplishments, but even further them and stand proud on their own merits. As to the horror reference, well we all know that the dead usually come back to life with a dangerous and nasty attitude bent on destruction and doom… and that’s exactly the case here. This jewel of a monster will shred your ear drums without remorse, pummel your senses with clubs of iron and bone… and resurrect the soul of metal in any willing heart…
The cover sets the tone right off the bat. No color, black, shades of grey, white graphics, bleak constitution with elements of evil, and an SG statement of intent on the back. The intro to opener “The Living Hell” begins with an interesting “all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small” sample (one that will make sense as the song unfolds) quickly giving way to a rather haunting melody before the band kicks in and Blam! Witchfinder General are crushing and ripping you like an iron elephant crossed with a rabid wolf.
The production is wondrously old school. This sounds like it could have come right out of the early 80’s, but with a serious punch and power. The guitar tone is so unmerciful, powerful and out and out raw doom it’s jaw dropping. This is an omen and portent for the remainder of the album. This is the heaviest and doomiest album that Witchfinder General have yet unleashed on the world. The groove and nods to the 70’s heavy rock roots are still there, but Zeeb is not. Is he missed? Not at all to my ears, and that’s no slagging of his abilities or of his fit with 80’s era WG. For me this album is to WG what Heaven and Hell was to Black Sabbath, unquestionably a product of the same band, but with new dimensions and elements, well fit by their new vocalist. Gaz Martin was indeed a good pick, not because he sounds like Zeeb, he doesn’t, but because he fits well with the music erupting out of the speakers.
The second track “The Gift of Life” rides in on another stellar riff of doom from the hands of Phil Cope and demonstrates forcefully that this is not going to be one of those albums marked by a great opener that quickly fades to mediocrity or worse (no risk of that, the best is saved for last here, but we’ll get to that further down the page). As on nearly the whole album, the lyrics are intelligent and unique tales of darkness. The guitar solo on this one is just spectacular. Not in a “look how many notes I can wank in 10 seconds” fashion, but in that fits the song perfectly, shows talent both in the playing and composing areas, and is out and out searing heavy metal, kind of way.
Following is “Final Justice” which like its predecessor shows that the great mid-tempo, head-banging gallop of yesterday’s WG lives on, but in a bit harsher, angular and limit pushing fashion. This is no rehash, but continued building on an extremely strong foundation. Underground metal heads should be smiling with surprise at about two and a half minutes into this as Witchfinder General superimpose a vocal melody strikingly akin ! 2008-09-16 09:03:37.697 ! 0 ͸ÛÍ! 2008-09-16 03:22:08.180 ! 0 ÍèÛÍ! 2008-09-16 00:00:00.000 ‘ ! Folge 18 hinzugefügt - Staffel komplett* e-Dubbed* *Inklusive Stream* ive Stream* t - Info lesen! - Staffel komplett* ‘ 8 ͨÜÍ쥎 ˆ¨Í 9 S^š6 ìÜÍ0ªÍ wÍè©Í imports ) 9 1 ) ÙÎ ÙΈýÍ NÎð^e ! 1 x²Îÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ:00.ÿÿÿÿ! ! xZÏÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ„³Îÿÿÿÿ! ! (HÎÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ.1 .ÿÿÿÿQ ! €ŒÏ R'N'B (Les Plus Belles Reprises, Par Les Plus Grands Artistes ! Q H@Ï :07.073 ! ! p#Î :33.000 ! àÏ://|file|The_13th_Floor_(1988).German.mistkerl.ShareReactor.avi|741797888|9dbeafa3b850ba6e106772f82e00a758|/ f6a|/ ™ fÏ://|file|Dreisatz_Crew--Die_Hohen_Tiere-DE-2008-OMA.rar|86039864|D85287FA7A46598FAF2434CFEF99A51A|h=25XMH4EXUP2BSYMMXBSFBLX3CBGBFEUO|/ |/ ‘ ™ ://|file|In.Treatment.-.S01E37.-.Alex.-.Dienstag,.10.Uhr.(Alex.Week.Eight).DL.DHF.avi|366487552|9559346F5ABBEA97DAD5D9254F3F11D9|/ ! ‘ X{Ïrlich Blond 2 8.000 ! H†Î://|file|S.U.P.-.Hegemony.(2008).rar|47494418|5218EFC23B6CC970432B44FBFDA3E6B9|h=7VDP4XDI2GWXEBA7N2BMPTMIZZFIEYR4|/ A ‰^© ´àÍ }ÏXÌÎðaÏ PÏDescription 1 8Ï0,ÏA A HƒÏ ôàÍ çË\ÏPƒÏ ZÏ lagImage ¤¤Ž™ A hçÎ://|file|Wenzel.(Hans-Eckardt)-Wenzel.singt.Maschas.Kinderlieder-(2005)-(192kbps)bySonne.rar|72531479|AB8F06D5B774B38B671A82E1A7BFA920|/ / Q ™ Ï://hitparade.ch/cdimg/yello_feat_stina_nordenstam-to_the_sea_s.jpg 8 Q `¯Î`¯Î tment.-.S01E29.-.Jake.und.Amy,.Donnerstag.17.Uhr.(Jake.und.Amy.-.Weeke.Six).DL.DHF.avi|365342720|6FAC2BDDFF84BDD6356325442F874F3B|/ ˜ ¡ ,¥Ž(Î:Iginio Straffi
Die Source Version ist anders geschnitten, aus diesem Grund ca
3 mal 1 Minute im Orginalton JÎ 8 p}Ï://|file|sofieswelt_(divx_deutsch_german_dvdripp)_sofies_welt.avi|669508608|7e05593c49291966c235981436247408|/ |/ .HQ („ÏCT * FROM [History] WHERE eId = '73522' AND Action = '0' €ô͸´Î™ Q PšÎ://|file|Top100_Neueinsteiger_05_05_2008_for_goldesel.to.rar|76855932|1409799111B06FF3B1E41AD00234047D|h=4NOJBZENGVX43GGEITI6R3XDYR7NXPJ2|/ Q ™ ˜¢ÏCT * FROM [History] WHERE eId = '74421' AND Action = '0' lität* A2EEA Q ˆÏ åÍPÙÎ †Î
dAccess ¨ÌØbÏQ A netic Vol.2 - Party 2008 (House Club Electro Non Stop In The Mix) Q Q ðÍ://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51-rrJKWTnL._SL500_AA240_.jpg 736BÈ Q ¬Î@oÏfile|Babylon.A.D.TS.LD.RSVCD.by.SBWC.mpg|840774396|CA576D55B67D632E08B0D1C7C1DCAD19|/ ,` i ô¤Žô¤Žllshare.net/show/de6de3a284d8ebd2666c758338ed08ce/nue-bad_for_goldesel.to.avi ™ È ˜ZÎ://|file|E.Type.-.Angels.Crying.(CD.Single.-.4.Tracks.-.320.Kbps.-.No.Cover).1998.(Zgp).rar|48021635|33685B1AEA51F8C16A874D9F46A659DA|/ / ed ™ çÍ8çÍä†Ï ies_links
Î7 Ž PeÏ://|file|DISNEY%20-%20Ariel%202%20-%20German%20(DivX,%20DVD%20rip).avi|689864704|e29f770eb48f1cc18eef2164c715bdfc|/ ¿Î$¥ŽTV - 480x352 - Staffel komplett\n\nAudio: MP3 German 192 kbps -RA P «Œh ,éÍ ™Ïh4Ï ÔÎ NÏAsciiArt 1 Ï ]Ι äÍ://|file|VA_-_Trancehouse_Megamix_Vol.1-2008-MOD.rar|236271330|AA0862CBD8664293E5419864479D076D|h=EVEAYHQMKC3ZNM
Country : UK
Year : 2008
References to resurrection are not new to metal. Whether regarding the band’s reunion or the tune’s unearthing, the concept of new life, post-death seems almost natural when revisiting the past. Well Resurrected is indeed an appropriate name for the new Witchfinder General album. After two and a half decades of deathly stillness for the band (not counting the artifacts brought forth by musical archaeologists and thieves, no surprise there, the tombs of the legendary dead are often plundered) here they are once more very much animated and active. A slew of historical documents, not to mention horror novels and movies, have warned against the possible consequences of resurrecting the dead and countless band re-unions and tepid filler dominated “finds” have testified to the horror show that can result in real life.
So where does this leave Witchfinder General’s Resurrected? As a musical example, absolute proof that reunions can not only be worthwhile and bring no dishonor upon past accomplishments, but even further them and stand proud on their own merits. As to the horror reference, well we all know that the dead usually come back to life with a dangerous and nasty attitude bent on destruction and doom… and that’s exactly the case here. This jewel of a monster will shred your ear drums without remorse, pummel your senses with clubs of iron and bone… and resurrect the soul of metal in any willing heart…
The cover sets the tone right off the bat. No color, black, shades of grey, white graphics, bleak constitution with elements of evil, and an SG statement of intent on the back. The intro to opener “The Living Hell” begins with an interesting “all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small” sample (one that will make sense as the song unfolds) quickly giving way to a rather haunting melody before the band kicks in and Blam! Witchfinder General are crushing and ripping you like an iron elephant crossed with a rabid wolf.
The production is wondrously old school. This sounds like it could have come right out of the early 80’s, but with a serious punch and power. The guitar tone is so unmerciful, powerful and out and out raw doom it’s jaw dropping. This is an omen and portent for the remainder of the album. This is the heaviest and doomiest album that Witchfinder General have yet unleashed on the world. The groove and nods to the 70’s heavy rock roots are still there, but Zeeb is not. Is he missed? Not at all to my ears, and that’s no slagging of his abilities or of his fit with 80’s era WG. For me this album is to WG what Heaven and Hell was to Black Sabbath, unquestionably a product of the same band, but with new dimensions and elements, well fit by their new vocalist. Gaz Martin was indeed a good pick, not because he sounds like Zeeb, he doesn’t, but because he fits well with the music erupting out of the speakers.
The second track “The Gift of Life” rides in on another stellar riff of doom from the hands of Phil Cope and demonstrates forcefully that this is not going to be one of those albums marked by a great opener that quickly fades to mediocrity or worse (no risk of that, the best is saved for last here, but we’ll get to that further down the page). As on nearly the whole album, the lyrics are intelligent and unique tales of darkness. The guitar solo on this one is just spectacular. Not in a “look how many notes I can wank in 10 seconds” fashion, but in that fits the song perfectly, shows talent both in the playing and composing areas, and is out and out searing heavy metal, kind of way.
Following is “Final Justice” which like its predecessor shows that the great mid-tempo, head-banging gallop of yesterday’s WG lives on, but in a bit harsher, angular and limit pushing fashion. This is no rehash, but continued building on an extremely strong foundation. Underground metal heads should be smiling with surprise at about two and a half minutes into this as Witchfinder General superimpose a vocal melody strikingly akin ! 2008-09-16 09:03:37.697 ! 0 ͸ÛÍ! 2008-09-16 03:22:08.180 ! 0 ÍèÛÍ! 2008-09-16 00:00:00.000 ‘ ! Folge 18 hinzugefügt - Staffel komplett* e-Dubbed* *Inklusive Stream* ive Stream* t - Info lesen! - Staffel komplett* ‘ 8 ͨÜÍ쥎 ˆ¨Í 9 S^š6 ìÜÍ0ªÍ wÍè©Í imports ) 9 1 ) ÙÎ ÙΈýÍ NÎð^e ! 1 x²Îÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ:00.ÿÿÿÿ! ! xZÏÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ„³Îÿÿÿÿ! ! (HÎÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ.1 .ÿÿÿÿQ ! €ŒÏ R'N'B (Les Plus Belles Reprises, Par Les Plus Grands Artistes ! Q H@Ï :07.073 ! ! p#Î :33.000 ! àÏ://|file|The_13th_Floor_(1988).German.mistkerl.ShareReactor.avi|741797888|9dbeafa3b850ba6e106772f82e00a758|/ f6a|/ ™ fÏ://|file|Dreisatz_Crew--Die_Hohen_Tiere-DE-2008-OMA.rar|86039864|D85287FA7A46598FAF2434CFEF99A51A|h=25XMH4EXUP2BSYMMXBSFBLX3CBGBFEUO|/ |/ ‘ ™ ://|file|In.Treatment.-.S01E37.-.Alex.-.Dienstag,.10.Uhr.(Alex.Week.Eight).DL.DHF.avi|366487552|9559346F5ABBEA97DAD5D9254F3F11D9|/ ! ‘ X{Ïrlich Blond 2 8.000 ! H†Î://|file|S.U.P.-.Hegemony.(2008).rar|47494418|5218EFC23B6CC970432B44FBFDA3E6B9|h=7VDP4XDI2GWXEBA7N2BMPTMIZZFIEYR4|/ A ‰^© ´àÍ }ÏXÌÎðaÏ PÏDescription 1 8Ï0,ÏA A HƒÏ ôàÍ çË\ÏPƒÏ ZÏ lagImage ¤¤Ž™ A hçÎ://|file|Wenzel.(Hans-Eckardt)-Wenzel.singt.Maschas.Kinderlieder-(2005)-(192kbps)bySonne.rar|72531479|AB8F06D5B774B38B671A82E1A7BFA920|/ / Q ™ Ï://hitparade.ch/cdimg/yello_feat_stina_nordenstam-to_the_sea_s.jpg 8 Q `¯Î`¯Î tment.-.S01E29.-.Jake.und.Amy,.Donnerstag.17.Uhr.(Jake.und.Amy.-.Weeke.Six).DL.DHF.avi|365342720|6FAC2BDDFF84BDD6356325442F874F3B|/ ˜ ¡ ,¥Ž(Î:Iginio Straffi
Die Source Version ist anders geschnitten, aus diesem Grund ca
3 mal 1 Minute im Orginalton JÎ 8 p}Ï://|file|sofieswelt_(divx_deutsch_german_dvdripp)_sofies_welt.avi|669508608|7e05593c49291966c235981436247408|/ |/ .HQ („ÏCT * FROM [History] WHERE eId = '73522' AND Action = '0' €ô͸´Î™ Q PšÎ://|file|Top100_Neueinsteiger_05_05_2008_for_goldesel.to.rar|76855932|1409799111B06FF3B1E41AD00234047D|h=4NOJBZENGVX43GGEITI6R3XDYR7NXPJ2|/ Q ™ ˜¢ÏCT * FROM [History] WHERE eId = '74421' AND Action = '0' lität* A2EEA Q ˆÏ åÍPÙÎ †Î
dAccess ¨ÌØbÏQ A netic Vol.2 - Party 2008 (House Club Electro Non Stop In The Mix) Q Q ðÍ://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51-rrJKWTnL._SL500_AA240_.jpg 736BÈ Q ¬Î@oÏfile|Babylon.A.D.TS.LD.RSVCD.by.SBWC.mpg|840774396|CA576D55B67D632E08B0D1C7C1DCAD19|/ ,` i ô¤Žô¤Žllshare.net/show/de6de3a284d8ebd2666c758338ed08ce/nue-bad_for_goldesel.to.avi ™ È ˜ZÎ://|file|E.Type.-.Angels.Crying.(CD.Single.-.4.Tracks.-.320.Kbps.-.No.Cover).1998.(Zgp).rar|48021635|33685B1AEA51F8C16A874D9F46A659DA|/ / ed ™ çÍ8çÍä†Ï ies_links
Î7 Ž PeÏ://|file|DISNEY%20-%20Ariel%202%20-%20German%20(DivX,%20DVD%20rip).avi|689864704|e29f770eb48f1cc18eef2164c715bdfc|/ ¿Î$¥ŽTV - 480x352 - Staffel komplett\n\nAudio: MP3 German 192 kbps -RA P «Œh ,éÍ ™Ïh4Ï ÔÎ NÏAsciiArt 1 Ï ]Ι äÍ://|file|VA_-_Trancehouse_Megamix_Vol.1-2008-MOD.rar|236271330|AA0862CBD8664293E5419864479D076D|h=EVEAYHQMKC3ZNM