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Avian - Ashes And Madness

Release: Avian - Ashes And Madness

Avian - Ashes And Madness

1. Ashes And Madness 07:38
2. The Lost and Forsaken 05:08
3. Into The Other Side 04:35
4. Esoteric Lies 05:18
5. Fall From Grace 01:13
6. Beyond The Hallowed Gates 05:00
7. Thundersoul 05:00
8. All The Kings Horses 05:15
9. Never Fade From Me 05:11
10. Time And Space Part II: Unlock The Mystery 10:14
Total playing time: 54:32


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Genre : Epic Power Metal
Country : USA
Year : 2008

"AVIAN “Ashes and Madness” is the amazing sophomore effort of vocalist/ producer Lance King best known for his many albums with (Balance of Power / Pyramaze /Gemini ) and guitarist /composer Yan Leviathan. The bands Debut album Featured known Megadeth bassist David Ellefson. This new offering the band has added BILL HUDSON of Cellador guitar fame.

Lance King’s vocals are extremely memorable and intoxicating, these songs well written, memorable and while being very heavy are still very accessible and radio friendly. These songs are sure to grab the listener on their first listen."


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