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La Planete Bleue Vol.03

Release: La Planete Bleue Vol.03

La Planete Bleue Vol.03

01. Fizzarum - Phut of Plex [3:56]
02. Louis 2000 - KAssoumaye [5:23]
03. Red Leb - Freezebee [6:46]
04. Murcof - Mir [6:26]
05. Eivinf Aarset - Changing Waltz [7:12]
06. Julio Hotu - Ka Mea Mea [2:47]
07. Amal Murkus - Hulum [4:31]
08. Salif Keita - Madan (no traitorz mix) [5:07]
09. Jean Michel - Macrosoft [6:45]
10. Light in a fat city - Taksu (edit) [6:42]
11. Michel Redolfi - Vox in vitro [6:42]
12. Tetsu Inoue - Inevitable Colour [15:35]


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This is the story of a planet called La Planete Bleue (The Blue Planet). That was because two-third of its surface was covered by oceans. This planet made such a noise! It gave off a vast number of sounds... In fact, it was a real cacophony. You had to get up close to this planet - really very, very close - and put on your stethoscope to be able to hear individual sounds. Actually, this is the story of a guy who visited this planet with a stethoscope in hand. The sort of guy known as a listener. But you look familiar... Wasn't that guy you?!

The Blue Planet that as rejoined our record galaxy today is the concrete result of an experimental radio programme that has been playing the airwaves for years in Switzerland (Couleur3), America (Radio Canada) and France (Radio Nova in the recent past). The ideas behind this record are the light years from the simplistic commercial aims of the usual compilation: it is a space-timeless panorama of the infinite regions explored by the probing pioneer Yves Blanc. Steering clear of facile assimilation and the passing whims of fashion, he conjugates music in the past future, questioning received wisdom and blending the tribal and technological, the organic and synthetic, the prehistoric and futuristic...

"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades." - TIMBUK 3


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