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Blaze Presents: Keep Hope Alive

Release: Blaze Presents: Keep Hope Alive

Blaze Presents: Keep Hope Alive

1. Keep Hope Alive (Intro) - Underground Dance Artists United For Life - 0:22"
2. Hiya Luv - Kenny O. Bobien - 6:22"
3. Most Precious Love - Barbara Tucker - 7:35"
4. A Wonderful Place - Ultra Nate - 6:12"
5. Make the Time - Arnold Jarvis - 6:39"
6. Keep Hope Alive (Interlude) - Underground Dance Artists United For Life - 1:38"
7. Spread Love - Byron Stingily - 6:38"
8. Be Yourself - Joi Cardwell - 8:14"
9. We Are One -Blaze 8:04"
10. Keep Hope Alive - Underground Dance Artists United For Life - 5:09"
11. Keep Hope Alive (Outro) - Underground Dance Artists United For Life


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