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Asian Lounge

Release: Asian Lounge

Asian Lounge

01. Yoshida Brothers: Fukai umi no kanata
02. Nitin Sawhney: Koyal
03. Ancient Future: Ja nam
04. Deepak Chopra: Oceans of ecstasy
05. Blue Asia feat. Yoichi Ikeda: Campuhan
06. Bali Lounge: Angels of the island
07. Nataraj XT: Space in
08. Prem Joshua: Funky guru
09. Biddu Orchestra: Eastern journey
10. Prem Joshua & Manish Vyas: Water down the Ganges
11. Xcultures feat. Marisa Kosugi: Dreams of happiness


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Release Date: 20.11.2005
Label: Putumayo
Quality: VBR~211kbps joint stereo
Covers: No
Ripper: E

An installment in Putamayo's Lounge series, ASIAN LOUNGE fuses the beats and grooves of downtempo DJ and club music with traditional instrumentation and melodic motifs from different parts of Asia. Ethnomusicologists might sneer at the disservice such fusions do to authentic musical traditions, but that does not detract from the sultry, "exotic" vibe that flows through these eleven tracks. Nitin Sawhney's "Koyal," for example, augments a beautiful Indian ballad, sung in a duet between a man and a woman, with gentle beat-box rhythms and turntable scratching. Such unusual hybrids are the order of this compilation, which provides plenty of chill, easy-listening grooves for the globally minded listener


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