Love Songs of the 80s
Release: Love Songs of the 80s

- Datum: 21.12.2005
Û²Û 01 02:13 tom jones and dusty springfield°-°upside down
Û²Û 02 05:46 tpau°-°valentine
Û²Û 03 07:56 curtis mayfield°-°love me love me now
Û²Û 04 02:52 isaac hayes°-°a few more kisses to go
Û²Û 05 04:50 imagination°-°body talk
Û²Û 06 06:38 bobby womack°-°where do we go from here
Û²Û 07 05:45 the four tops°-°all night long
Û²Û 08 04:04 odyssey°-°inside out
Û²Û 09 05:58 kool and the gang°-°cherish
Û²Û 10 02:40 tom jones and dionne warwick°-°endless love
Û²Û 11 03:37 nina simone°-°my baby just cares for me
Û²Û 12 02:45 graham fenton of matchbox°-°when you ask about love
Û²Û 13 04:42 sister sledge°-°thinking of you
Û²Û 14 03:49 bobby womack°-°it takes a lot of strength to say goodbye
Û²Û 15 05:44 imagination°-°just an illusion
Û²Û 16 03:59 katrina°-°walking on sunshine
- Genre: 80s
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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