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Nova Natura 2

Release: Nova Natura 2

Nova Natura 2

01.Minos - Reconditus
02.Not Drowning Waving - Cold and the Crackle (Arcane Trickster Remix)
03.Side Liner vs Will-O'-The-Wisp - Soul Path
04.D.Batistatos - Sparclin Coconuts
05.Zero Cult - Blur (origin mix)
06.D.Batistatos - Crazy Sick Monkeys
07.Will-O'-The-Wisp - Echoing Melodies
08.Kick Bong - Landscape
09.Side Liner - White Wisdom
10.Cydelix - Over The Western Lake
11.MLT - The Blue Razzphonica
12.Sunsaria feat Lulea - Life is a Dream


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Find the Nova Natura inside this rich chill out compilation which brings you a diversity of tracks.Discover its unique atmosphere like the silence after the rain. Let yourself to be lost inside this emotional trip and imagine the new nature in which we all wish to live some day!In this second chapter you will find a wide range of chill out styles, from new age to dub, from downtempo to lounge, and more compiled by Side Liner.


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