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The Rough Guide To Americana

Release: The Rough Guide To Americana

The Rough Guide To Americana

01 - The Handsome Family - Weightless Again [ 3:40 ]
02 - Andre Williams And The Sadies - Pardon Me (I've Got Someone To Kill) [ 2:44 ]
03 - Neko Case And Her Boyfriends - Guided By Wire [ 3:22 ]
04 - Gourds - Meat Off The Bone [ 3:46 ]
05 - Townes Van Zandt - Lost Highway [ 2:42 ]
06 - Johnny Dowd - Ft. Worth, Texas [ 3:15 ]
07 - Hazeldine - A Song For You [ 5:15 ]
08 - Long Ryders - You Don't Know What's Right, You Don't Know What's Wrong [ 4:05 ]
09 - The Original Harmony Ridge Creekdippers - Run With The Ponies [ 3:51 ]
10 - Waco Brothers - Hello To Everybody [ 4:03 ]
11 - Dave Alvin - Railroad Bill [ 3:28 ]
12 - Oh Susanna - Oh My Good Ol' Gal [ 2:16 ]
13 - Neal Casal - Me And Queen Sylvia [ 2:59 ]
14 - Noahjohn - Standing On A Snake [ 3:34 ]
15 - Split Lip Rayfield - Kiss Of Death [ 4:17 ]
16 - Utah Carol - My Fear [ 3:07 ]
17 - Nadine - So That I Don't Miss You [ 3:42 ]
18 - Cowboy Nation - E-Z Ridin' Cowboy [ 3:16 ]
19 - The Arlenes - She Ran Me Down [ 3:49 ]
20 - Western Electric - Carousel Days [ 5:16 ]


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