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Gay Anthems 2

Release: Gay Anthems 2

Gay Anthems 2

Disc 1/2
1. Indigo - Perfect Day (Almighty Anthem Club 8:09
2. Freda Payne - Band Of Gold (Almighty 12inch 6:31
Anthem Mix)
3. People of 'K' ft Crystal - Justified And 6:47
Ancient (12inch Club Mix)
4. Jackie 'O' - I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (7inch 4:02
Almighty Mix)
5. Tracey Cole - Stars Are Blind (12inch Almighty 6:51
6. Jamie Knight - Bleeding Love (Almighty Anthem 3:37
Radio Edit)
7. Shaft ft Duane - It's Been So Long (Almighty 7:46
12inch Anthem Mix 1)
8. Alisha King - Heat You Up Melt You Down 3:59
(Almighty Radio Edit)
9. Belle Lawrence - With Every Heartbeat 6:56
(Almighty 12inch Anthem Mix)
10.Suzi 'Z' - When You Believe (Almighty Anthem 4:03
Radio Edit)
11.Deja Vu ft Tasmin - Uninvited (Almighty 12inch 8:29
Fired Up Mix)
12.Belle Lawrence - I Bet You Look Good On The 7:54
Dancefloor (12inch Definitive Mix)

Disc 2/2
1. Indigo - Perfect Day (Almighty Anthem Club 6:12
2. Freda Payne - Band Of Gold (Almighty 12inch 5:40
Anthem Mix)
3. People of 'K' ft Crystal - Justified And 5:49
Ancient (12inch Club Mix)
4. Jamie Knight - Bleeding Love (Almighty 12inch 5:07
Anthem Mix)
5. Alisha King - Heat You Up Melt You Down 6:35
(Almighty Mix)
6. Jackie 'O' - I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (12inch 5:03
Almighty Mix)
7. Shaft ft Duane - It's Been So Long (Almighty 5:59
12inch Anthem Mix 1)
8. Tracey Cole - Stars Are Blind (12inch Almighty 4:43
9. Suzi 'Z' - When You Believe (Almighty 12inch 5:07
Anthem Mix)
10.Belle Lawrence - With Every Heartbeat 5:48
(Almighty 12inch Anthem Mix)
11.Deja Vu ft Tasmin - Uninvited (Almighty 12inch 5:31
Fired Up Mix)
12.Belle Lawrence - I Bet You Look Good On The 5:12
Dancefloor (12inch Definitive Mix)


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Artist : VA
Album : Gay Anthems 2
Label : Almighty
Genre : Dance
Bitrate : 196 kbps avg
Source : CD (LP)
Playtime : 02:21:50 (208.MB)
Rls date : 2008-06-10
Store date : 2008-00-00


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