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4 Strings - Until You Love Me (Remixes)

Release: 4 Strings - Until You Love Me (Remixes)

4 Strings - Until You Love Me (Remixes)

01.until you love me (the essence radio edit) 03:21
02.until you love me (the essence alternative radio edit) 03:10
03.until you love me (the essence extended remix) 06:42
04.until you love me (the essence radio instrumental) 03:21
05.until you love me (the essence extended instrumental) 06:40


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Behind the name 4 Strings hides 2 musicians, Carlo Resoort (March 1,1973) and Jan de Vos (August 9,1974). The two have known each other since 1986. In 1990 they became interested in dance music, and from that moment on, they started making there own music. All their spare time was spend in the studio. Throughout the next couple of years not only did their skills expand but also the amount of equipment in their studio. With the new tools and experience that they had, they could finally discover in which direction they wanted to go with their musical careers: Carlo decided to stay in the studio while Jan found his passion in mixing and started his DJing career.


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