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Kill Bill Vol.2

Release: Kill Bill Vol.2

Kill Bill Vol.2

1.A Few Words From The Bride - Uma Thurman
2.Goodnight Moon - Shivaree
3.Il Tramonto - Ennio Morricone
4.Can't Hardly Stand It - Charlie Feathers
5.Tu Mirá (Edit) - Lole Y Manuel
6.Motorcycle Circus - Luis Bacalov
7.The Chase - Alan Reeves, Phil Steele And Philip Brigham
8.The Legend Of Pai Mei - David Carradine And Uma Thurman
9.L'arena - Ennio Morricone
10.A Satisfied Mind - Johnny Cash
11.A Silhouette Of Doom - Ennio Morricone
12.About Her - Malcolm Mclaren
13.Truly And Utterly Bill - David Carradine And Uma Thurman
14.Malaguena Salerosa - Chingon
15.Urami Bushi - Meiko Kaji
16.(Hidden Track) - The Rza!


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