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Release: Ladykillers


1.Come, Let Us Go Back To God - The Soul Stirrers
2.Trouble Of This World (Coming Home) - Nappy Roots
3.Let Your Light Shine On Me
4.Another Day, Another Dollar - Nappy Roots
5.Jesus I'll Never Forget - The Soul Stirrers
6.Trouble In, Trouble Out - Nappy Roots
7.Trouble Of This World - Bill Landford & The Landfordaires
8.Come, Let Us Go Back To God - Donnie Mcclurkin
9.Weeping Mary - Rosewell Sacred Harp Quartet
10.Sinners - Little Brother
11.Troubled, Lord I'm Troubled - Bill Landford & The Landfordaires
12.You Can't Hurry God - Donnie Mcclurkin
13.Any Day Now - The Soul Stirrers
14.Trouble Of This World - Rose Stone With The Venice Four And The Abbot Kinney Lighthouse Choir
15.A Christian's Plea - Claude Jeter And The Swan Silvertones
16.Let Your Light Shine On Me - Blind Willie Johnson
17.Let The Light From The Lighthouse Shine On Me - The Venice Four With Rose Stone And The Abbot Kinney Lighthouse Choir
18.Yes - The Abbot Kinney Lighthouse Choir Featuring Kristle Murden


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