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Batmans Rückkehr (Batman Returns) (Score)

Release: Batmans Rückkehr (Batman Returns) (Score)

Batmans Rückkehr (Batman Returns) (Score)

1.Birth of a Penguin
2.Birth of a Penguin [Cont.]
4.Lair [Cont.]
5.Selina Transforms
6.Selina Transforms [Cont.]
8.Cat Suite
9.Batman Vs. The Circus
10.Rise and Fall from Grace
11.Rise and Fall from Grace [Cont.]
12.Sore Spots
13.Rooftops/Wild Ride
14.Rooftops/Wild Ride [Cont.]
15.Children's Hour
16.Final Confrontation
17.Final Confrontation [Cont.]
19.Finale [Cont.]
20.End Credits
21.Face to Face


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