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The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (Proper)

Release: The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (Proper)

The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (Proper)

01. Dolphins
02. So Long & Thanks For All The Fish
03. Arthur Wakes Up
04. Betty Wright - Shoo-Rah! Shoo-Rah!
05. Al Green - Here I Am (Come & Take Me)
06. Destruction Of Earth
07. Journey Of The Sorcerer
08. The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
09. Inside The Vogon Ship
10. Vogon Poetry
11. Space
12. Vogon Command Centre
13. Trillian & Arthur Reunited
14. Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
15. Tea In Space
16. Deep Thought
17. Infinite Improbability Drive
18. Viltvodle Street Music
19. Huma's Hymn
20. Capture Of Trillian
21. Vogcity
22. Love
23. The Whale
24. Planet Factory Floor
25. Earth Mark II
26. Perry Como - Magic Moments
27. Shootout
28. Finale
29. Blast Off
30. Neil Hannon - So Long & Thanks For All The Fish (Reprise)
31. Careless Talk
32. Neil Hannon, Douglas Payne, Andy Dunlop, Miggy Barradas, Chuck Norman, Hannah Thomas & Fran Balke - Vote Beeblebrox
33. Stephen Fry - Reasons To Be Miserable (His Name is Marvin)


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Release Date: 26.04.'05
Genre: OST
Quality: VBR AVG 186 kbps JS
Release Notes:
>> propering DAWs release having been nuked for re-encode

Soundtrack produced by Joby Talbot, have some nice fetarues too...


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