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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Release: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

1. Wonka's Welcome Song 1:03
2. Augustus Gloop 3:12
3. Violet Beuregarde 2:10
4. Veruca Salt 2:15
5. Mike TeaVee 1:34
6. Main Titles 5:03
7. Wonka's First Shop 1:44
8. The Indian Palace 3:18
9. Wheels in Motion 3:20
10. Charlie's Birthday Bar 1:55
11. The Golden Ticket / Factory 3:06
12. Chocolate Explorers 2:16
13. Loompa Land 1:44
14. The Boat Arrives 1:18
15. The River Cruise 1:56
16. First Candy 1:24
17. Up and Out 3:13
18. The River Cruise - Part 2 1:59
19. Charlie Declines 1:34
20. Finale 3:43
21. End Credit Suite 7.01


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