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The Crow 1 - 3 (Scores)

Release: The Crow 1 - 3 (Scores)

The Crow 1 - 3 (Scores)

The Crow:

01. Birth of the Legend
02. Resurrection
03. The Crow Descends
04. Remembrance
05. Rain Forever
06. "Her eyes... so innocent"
07. Tracking the Prey
08. Pain and Retribution
09. Believe in Angels
10. Captive Child
11. Devil's Night
12. On Hallowed Ground
13. Inferno
14. Return to the Grave
15. Last Rites

The Crow - City Of Angels

01. City of Angels
02. Temple of Pain
03. Crow Rises
04. Santa Muerte
05. ...A Dream on the Way to Death
06. Camera Obscura
07. Murder of Crows
08. Mirangula: Sign of the Crow
09. Lament for a Lost Son
10. Hush Little Baby...
11. Dias de Las Muertes
12. Campanile
13. Masquera
14. "I'll Wait for You"
15. Believe in Angels feat. Heather Nova

The Crow - Salvation

01. The Crow: Salvation Main Title
02. Evidence Room
03. Alex Visits Lauren's Grave
04. Houdini
05. Gd Picasso
06. Industrial Strength Creeps
07. Make Me Like You
08. Officer Down
09. Investigating Key Club
10. Slo-Mo Walking
11. Alex Corvis' Execution
12. Your Daddy Owns D.E.R.T.
13. Alex Visits Thomas
14. Majorly Demented
15. The Crow Croaks
16. More Slo-Mo Walking
17. Chasing Sis
18. Captain Gets A Shock
19. Love Theme - Ending
20. Meet Again feat. Jane Jensen


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