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300 (Score)

Release: 300 (Score)

300 (Score)

1. To Victory
2. Agoge
3. Wolf
4. Returns a King
5. Submission
6. Ephors
7. Cursed by Beauty
8. What Must a King Do?
9. Goodbye My Love
10. No Sleep Tonight
11. Tree of the Dead
12. Hot Gates
13. Fight in the Shade
14. Come and Get Them
15. No Mercy
16. Immortals Battle
17. Fever Dream
18. Xerxes' Tent
19. Tonight We Dine in Hell
20. Council Chamber
21. Xerxes' Final Offer
22. God King Bleeds
23. Glory
24. Message for the Queen
25. Remember Us


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Epic, emotional and inventive describe the action drama 300 and also its score. Written and produced by Tyler Bates (Dawn of the Dead, Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects, and Slither), Music From The Motion Picture 300 boasts a sweeping palette, embracing a tonal foundation unfamiliar to studio films. Orchestral and choral, 300 features the haunting, exotic vocals of Azam Ali as well as world music groups Vas and Niya.


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