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Long Way Down

Release: Long Way Down

Long Way Down

1. Long way down 2:11
2. Somalia dont shame yourself 4:45
3. Ye ye ye 4:28
4. Shadowman 5:32
5. Exhausted 4:45
6. Blink 5:06
7. Majestic 12 5:09
8. Move 4:10
9. O mare 4:01
10. Dodoma 6:07
11. Kothbiro 5:28
12. The blind in spirit 4:07
13. The enchantment 4:35
14. Santa notte 3:45
1. Whole thing Original Mix 5:27
2. Azmari dub 3:59
3. Take care 4:57
4. The Bedburgs bite 4:57
5. The gospel of Goro Adachi 3:40
6. Marudzi nemarudzi 4:27
7. Majurugenta 3:54
8. Walagh 5:12
9. Soudan minitara 3:36
10. Sisitizo la Amani Duniani 2:04
11. Da-ka-ne 7:19
12. Makambo 5:02
13. Onwards 5:20
14. Nnankya 3:30
15. Zahrafat al said 1:27
16. The river 6:28


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Artist: Ost
Title: Long Way Down
Label: Real World (EMI)
Genre: Soundtrack 2008-02-29 2008-05-25
Source: CDDA
Encoder: LAME
Ripper: n/a
Quality: VBR Kbit/4410kHz/Joint Stereo
Size: 30 Tracks/191 MB/135:28
Cat.Nr-: n/a


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