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Aerosmith - Big Ones You Can Look At (1999)

Release: Aerosmith - Big Ones You Can Look At (1999)

Aerosmith - Big Ones You Can Look At (1999)

Aerosmith - Big Ones You Can Look At (1999).DVDR

By now Aerosmith's story of survival is deeply imbedded in rock mythology. Band reaches outlandish stadium-sized stardom in the `70s; band splinters under the weight of their toxic abuse; members undergo detox; clean and sober band returnsto a new apex of superstardom in the `90s: a classic tale of excess and success. It is rock 'n' roll's great American redemption, and BIG ONES is a greatest hits soundtrack to thecomeback portion of this story - with two new tunes to serveas an encore of sorts.
BIG ONES also illustrates that the Aerosmith that's come to define current mainstream rock isnot the Aerosmith of old. The blues-veined, pocket-Stones sound that introduced white boys to "Walking The Dog" has given way to lascivious arena-metal ("Love In An Elevator", "Dude (Looks Like A Lady)") and emotional power-ballads ("Angel", "Cryin'"). Age has also brought about a change in the topics that the band chooses to address, concerning themselves with child abuse in "Janie's Got A Gun", and morality in "Living On The Edge".
Yet, with Aerosmith what you see is what you get--therein lies the beauty--and even with the mildtinkering of the machinery, BIG ONES proves that their commercial train just keeps a-rollin'.


1. Opening credits and introduction
2. Deuces Are Wild
3. The Making of "Livin` On The Edge"
4. Livin` On The Edge
5. The Recording of "Eat The Rich"
6. Eat The Rich
7. The Making of "Cryin"
8. Cryin
9. The Making of "Amazing"
10. Amazing
11. The Making of "Crazy"
12. Crazy
13. The Making of "Love In A Elevator"
14. Love In A Elevator
15. The Making of "Janie`s Got A Gun"
16. Janie`s Got A Gun
17. The Recording of "What It Takes"
18. What It Takes
19. Going on Tour
20. The Other Side
21. Picture Shoot
22. Dude (Looks Like A Lady)
23. On the Set of the Simpsons
24. Angel
25. TV Promos
26. Rag Doll
27. End Credits


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