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Cher - The Farewell Tour (DVD-9)

Release: Cher - The Farewell Tour (DVD-9)

Cher - The Farewell Tour (DVD-9)

racks :

1. Opening
2. I still Haven´t found what i´m looking for
3. Song for the lonely
4. Gayatri Mantra
5. All or nothing
7. Bang Bang
8. Sonny & Cher Medley (The beat goes on / Baby don´t go / I got you babe)
9. All i really want to do (Medley part1)
10. Half-breed (Medley part2)
11. Gypsies tramps & Thieves (Medley part3)
12. Dark Lady (Medley part4)
13. Take me home
14. The way of love
15. After all (Love theme from "Chances are"
16. Just like Jesse James
17. Heart of Stone
18. The shoop shoop song
19. Strong enough
20. If i could turn back time
21 Belive
22. End credits

Bonus Features :

*3 extra hit songs:
- Save up all your tears
- We all sleep alone
- A diffrent kind of love song
*Music Video
- If i could turn back time (Re-edit 2003)
*CHER´S special version of West Side Story
*Behind -the-scenes documentary & interviews
*Extra CHER monologues
*Costume designs


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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