Heath Ledger - A Tribute

Release: Heath Ledger - A Tribute

- Datum: 22.02.2009
- Verkauf: 18.02.2009
Tragically, on January 22, 2008, another name was added
to the list of movie stars who have passed away before
reaching their thirtieth birthdays. His name was
Heathcliff Andrew Ledger. The old saying that 'the
flame that burns twice as bright burns twice as fast'
is perhaps twice as true in Hollywood. The world of
show business is full of shining stars who have briefly
illuminated the stage and screen before leaving us too
soon. The names of actors like James Dean, River
Phoenix and musicians such as Kurt Cobain and Jeff
Buckley have passed into mythology - their talent and
beauty immortalized in the music and movies they left
Heath Ledger was one of the most charismatic actors of
his generation. After establishing a high-profile
Hollywood career at the age of 21 with the lead in "A
Knight's Tale," Ledger pursued a series of increasingly
diverse, often subversive roles that belied his image
as a teen idol. His sudden death rocked the film
industry and threw a poignant shadow over the body of
work that has now become his legacy. This documentary
explores that legacy as well as his relationships with
his leading ladies.
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