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Release: Battleship


Gear up for an exciting, action-packed, first-person
shooter and fight to defend mankind against an aquatic
alien threat in Battleship. Step into the role of Cole
Mathis, the U.S. Navy’s “boots on the ground,” and
experience thrilling gameplay as you combat a deadly
alien invasion in this game inspired by the upcoming
Universal Pictures film. Command real-time control of
naval units, strategize a map-wide plan of attack and
direct your fleet to launch air strikes, conduct radar
sweeps and engage in high-seas combat. Battle against
the invading threat on the shores of Hawaii as a member
of the elite E.O.D. Arm yourself with an arsenal of deadly
weapons and upgradeable naval units, all with special
attacks and attributes.


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  • 9 Dateien4,38 GB
  • 1 Datei445,19 MB

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