
Release: Lifestream

- Datum: 24.10.2004
John Holton's father, a priest named Randolph, disappeared three weeks ago. Unable to come forward to voice his concerns, in fear of destroying his father's reputation, John takes it upon himself to find out what happened by visiting his father's house and searching for him firsthand. Through the course of the story, players will play the role of both John Holton and his father, Randolph, over two time periods, the present and the past, respectively. As the story progresses, players see through John's eyes the torment that enveloped Randolph in his search for the mysterious Lifestream. What he finds is something that is so terrifying, yet so seductive, that it envelops his very soul...
- Genre: Adventure
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Hinweise1. Burn or mount with Deamon Tools.
2. Install the game
3. Play the game.
2. Install the game
3. Play the game.