Future Tactics: The Uprising

Release: Future Tactics: The Uprising

- Datum: 17.12.2004
The reality you know is under threat.
The reality you know has been infected with a retroactive virus capable of rewriting history in its own image. The reality you know must end in order to save it.
At an indeterminable point in mankind's future, ordered society has reverted to a feudal state, scattered groups of survivors huddling together in small villages and nomadic enclaves. Mankind is running scared of the greatest to it's existence since reality first sputtered into existence.
Decades ago, the face of the planet changed, entire cities disappeared overnight, whole countries vanished. Left in their place were creatures, hideous shambling monstrosities, technologically advance, and yet intellectually retarded. And as mankind would soon discover, this was an enemy that could not be stopped and killed. Strike one down, and it would be reborn without so much as a scratch.
In the dark years ahead, when our enemies are but warped reflections of ourselves, and where our allies may be more than they seem, a boy, his sister, and a rag-tag assembly of unlikely warriors are the planets last hope. But as they soon discover, immortality comes at a price. Twisting perceptions, time and emotions.
Future Tactics is a tale of love, loss, hope...and some mean green ugly muthas.
- Genre: Action
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3. From the /Crack/ directory on the CD, copy the cracked files to your installation directory.
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