Advanced Battlegrounds: The Future of Combat

Release: Advanced Battlegrounds: The Future of Combat

- Datum: 07.01.2005
>> Description
Grab your choice from over 20 destructive hi-tech weapons including heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and plasma rifles as you set out to seek-and-destroy your enemy once and for all. Take control of awesome vehicles like four-wheelers, speeder bikes and giant mech robots as you battle across gigantic landscapes, huge air masses and vast oceans. The Future of Combat is Now. Choose Your Battleground.
>> Features
Battle across and explore huge environments including: tropical forests, brutal deserts, icy glaciers, military bases and space stations 16 massively detailed single-player missions Challenge up to 32 other players in 5 multiplayer modes across 8 multiplayer maps - Assault, Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Team Domination Equip yourself with a powerful arsenal of over 20 hi-tech weapons each more deadly than the last Drive and pilot numerous futuristic vehicles from four-wheelers and hovering speeder bikes to giant mech-robots
>> NB: This is the deluxe edition of what was formerly known as Chrome. It features new exclusive maps and options.
- Genre: Action
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