Still Life

Release: Still Life

- Datum: 16.05.2005
Victoria McPherson is a brilliant young FBI agent who's investigating a serial murder case in Chicago. The body count is now at five and she has no real leads, nothing but a mountain of circumstantial evidence and a boss who's breathing down her neck.
In order to take a break from it all, she decides to visit her father in the suburbs. Their discussions involve family stories which include Victoria's grandfather, who used to be a private investigator. This leads Victoria to read one of her grandfather's old case files, a file which reveals an uncomfortably high number of similarities between a seventy-five year old case in Europe and the current string of killings in Chicago...
Take a deep breath and enter Still Life.
- Genre: Adventure
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Link 3: Manual & Covers
Link 4: NoCD Crack
Link 5: German TXT *ADDON*