Great Battles Of WWII: Stalingrad

Release: Great Battles Of WWII: Stalingrad

- Datum: 19.04.2005
The plot of the game unfolds during the period of July 1942 - January 1943 and tells the story of one of the most dramatic episodes of World War II. Featuring two detailed campaigns, "Stalingrad" will let the player take command over Wehrmacht and lead the German forces into the city, then switch to the Red Army and liberate the Soviet stronghold from the occupants and obliterate the 6th Army under the command of Gen. Paulus. In contrast to many other RTS games out there, each mission in "Stalingrad" is created with historical authenticity in mind and with reference to the actual place and time to real events that took place during the war. Besides, the missions are created in such a way that campaigns give an authentic picture of events at the theatre of war operations.
The Battle of Stalingrad became the turning point of World War II and one of the largest battles in the Eastern Front. Combat operations were spread over the territory of more than 100 sq. kilometers large, with over 2 million people involved in separate episodes on both sides. During the Battle of Stalingrad, which took place over 50 years ago, everything was put at stake. Historians believe that in 1942, the Battle of Stalingrad was the decisive point for all humankind, since the outcome of it meant victory or death for Wehrmacht.
- Genre: Adventure
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