Hidden Stroke II

Release: Hidden Stroke II

- Datum: 05.05.2005
Cities and Coasts Aren't Safe...
A rousing sequel to Hidden Stroke. The completely new designed damage system and many new features are waiting for the fan of strategy.
Further new units are ready for action in new thrilling campaigns and missions. Cities and coasts aren't safe... the war has begun
British, French and Italian are completely equipped for combat. Four new landscapes have been designed, one featuring close-combat in cities, two long-range fights in the country and the fourth battles in the desert.
The landscapes consist of over 760 different units, over 500 buildings and countless objects. They vary from a small road sign to a huge submarine riding at anchor.
New buildings, haystacks, trees, and trenches, offer a big variety of clever hiding places and entrenchments.
New Units
-More than 40 new ground units.
-More than 40 new aircrafts (transparent propellers; aircrafts of flying aces)
-Many revised units (infantry, vehicles)
New Types of Units
-"Heavy Tank" (They cause bridges to collapse, and break trees)
-Amphibian vehicles (They are able to drive and to swim)
-Portable mortars.
-"Mini-submarine" (Torpedoes)
-New landscape "Close-combat"
-New landscape "Long-range fights 1"
-New landscape "Long-range fights 2"
-New landscape "Desert combat
- Genre: Adventure
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