Rising Kingdoms

Release: Rising Kingdoms

- Datum: 09.06.2005
Rising Kingdoms is a Real-Time Strategy set in a fantasy world, which focuses on empire development and dynamic tactical battles. Set in the beautiful fantasy world of Equiada, home to magical creatures, mighty leaders, and powerful wizards, Rising Kingdoms, offers players the unique combination of both strategy and adventure modes. In strategy mode the player is able to choose from 3 major races: Humans, Foresters and Darklings, and use them to capture, enslave and develop five
independent nations û Shades, Nomads, Dragons, Trolls, and Elves. Combined with the playerÆs main race these allies provide a valuable asset when fighting other kingdoms and powers. In adventure mode the
player controls a group of Champions and a small squad of troops uncovering dark secrets and surprising twists as the adventure unfolds. The story spans over several generations portraying powerful ancient artifacts, the rise and fall of mighty leaders and glorious kingdoms, and the birth of new mystical creatures and races.
- Genre: Adventure
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