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SEGA Genesis Classics Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Release: SEGA Genesis Classics Sonic 3 and Knuckles

SEGA Genesis Classics Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Sonic 3 and Knuckles
SEGA Genesis Classics

Dr. EggmanÆs (AKA Dr. RobotnikÆs) Death Egg was
once again blasted by
Sonic, crash-landing on the peak of a volcano on the
Floating Island.

Dr. Eggman is still at large, and Sonic canÆt allow him
to get his
hands on the Master Emerald and repair the Death
Egg. Sonic must also
keep Knuckles off his back but Knuckles has problems
too. As guardian
of the Floating Island and all the Emeralds, Knuckles
must do his part
to keep the island safe. While theyÆre going the
rounds with each
other, who will stop Dr. Eggman?

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