Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck me Harder

Release: Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck me Harder

- Datum: 25.07.2005
Ma Jackson, Hick State County's most infamous trucker, has been incarcerated on charges of tax evasion, 7,973 parking tickets, numerous health and safety violations and six counts of being a comedy stereotype!
Imprisoned, Ma's only hope lies with her kids. It's up to them to locate 6 members of the jury that are to try Ma and bribe them.
And so, Bobbie-Sue, Cletus, Earl and Rawkus set off once again to buy and sell goods around the state, running special errands for those in "need" and getting into all sorts of trouble in Hick State County's less savoury parts!
* 4 playable characters, each with unique paths to explore
* Arcade racing through an improved and sprawling Hick State County, with a plot driven main game and a variety of Special Missions
* Over 20 interactive NPC's to bring life and soul to the environment and missions
* All-new Special Missions take the Mutha Truckers out of trucks and into a variety of different themed vehicles
* New threats to truckers include Alien probings and truckin' rivals, along with favourites like Bikers and police
* Turn the radio up! Hick State County's finest radio stations offer the best music from the region. Hot Dang!!
* 1 GHz Pentium / Athlon CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* 4x CD/DVD-Laufwerk
* 32 MB DirectX 9.0c 100% kompatible Grafikkarte mit Unterstützung von Pixel Shader v1.1*
* DirectX 9.0b 100% kompatible 16-bit-Soundkarte
* 850 MB unkomprimierter Festplattenspeicher
- Genre: Action
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