Great Invasions

Release: Great Invasions

- Datum: 20.07.2005
GREAT INVASIONS plunges you back into Europe of the Dark Ages, a time in history where hundreds of nations and barbarian tribes rush to assault the civilized world. Relive the great moments of this tumultuous period thanks to our precise and ambitious recreation, that will allow you to meet over 150 nations and more than 30 religions and heresies, as well as thousands of historical characters.
375-632 : time of the initial barbarian onslaught on the decadent Roman empire, from the arrival of Huns till the birth of Islam, and including the Byzantine revival and reconquest of lost lands under Justinian.
632-843 : while the barbarian threat recedes in the West, the Muslim warriors burst out of the Arabian deserts. This is the age of Jihad, where the strength of Islam leads the Arabs to the almost complete conquest of the civilized world.
843-1066 : the last stage is that of the last wave of invasions, and particularly the Vikings attacks (culminating with the Battle of Hastings in 1066). That is also the time when CharlemagneÆs empire crumbles and the rise of feudality, signalling the entry of Western Europe into the Middle Ages.
- Genre: Adventure
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